Thursday, September 11, 2008

Someone Pinch me...

As many of you know, I am a high school teacher in a Title I school which basically means that most students live below the poverty level and have your average "Dangerous Minds" existence filled with gangs, violence and the like. It is not called the District of Crime for no reason. But, when I go to work, I do not feel threatened or afraid but rather am constantly reminded of all the skills my kids have not received from previous institutions.

But today, oh today is one of those days that makes me feel like the White chick from "Freedom Writers" a freaking academic all star. I signed up to coach Debate this year and after last year's flaky interest, I did not have high hopes for the students that would show up.

Let me just tell you that we had 25 students show up and although the coaches and I wanted to have a 15-20 minute informational meeting, we ended up staying over 90 minutes because the kids had so many meaningful questions and wanted to learn more and more and more....

IT WAS RIDICULOUS! I seriously still want someone to pinch me because I do not believe that I have lived to see the moment. So many people write off kids like the ones that I teach. Today, I seriously felt like I was sharing space with future politicians, lawyers and overall successful Black men and women. I am hopeful...with this and Barack, I am floating on a cloud these days!

CHANGE is coming...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Confesión numero 2: There is a thin line between boys and men

See, this would not be a problem if I were 17 and frivolous. Please get your mind out of the Dateline predator gutter --- I do not actually like boys, like the young children that I teach or something. What kind of teacher do you take me for? My name is Mari not Mary Kay LaTourneau…I digress. I mean more of a concept of who I am attracted to, or have been attracted to for some time, which has been a hybrid of man mixed with boyish behavior and tendencies.

At times, I feel that it is ludicrous how ridiculous my men situations have transpired for the past four years. I spent three plus years playing “mommy” to someone that could only verbally commit to some grand figment of both of our mature imaginations. No offense, just telling it like it is. So then {wiping sweat off my brow} after giving my all to that, I decide that I am going to be grown and learn to play the “field”. Shortly after, I realized that the “field” in DC was more like playing the “2x2’’ box” of nothingness once you factor out the old men and the men on the “downlow”. The pickings are slim, child! Well, I have chosen to fall in and out of a childish situation with someone that I like but cannot simply moving things along, even a damn inch. WTF! I’m fabulous and I refuse to let his childish fear of commitment mask that fact. Yes, I have an ego, and what?!?

And I have no excuse, though, because with my Ivy league smarts, NYC wit and Dominican genes, something has to give. So I have resolved that I must internally enjoy the feeling of being smarter, more financially stable and more stable than my potential suitors --- WRONG! I feel that I deserve better, but where does “better” live so I can knock on his door?

What is the problem? Do I overanalyze? Are my expectations too high? Is it truly them and not me, like most guys say?

What gives?

In the meantime, feel free to enjoy my favorite online game ever:

Throw Rocks at Boys

*FYI: This was written about one year ago before I met my current BF; nonetheless, I still hold true to each word.

Confesión numero 2: There is a thin line between boys and men

See, this would not be a problem if I were actually 17 and frivolous. Please get your mind out of the Dateline predator gutter --- I do not actually like boys, like young children that I teach or something. What kind of teacher do you take me for? Mari nor Mary Kay LaTorneau…I digress. I mean more of a concept of who I am attracted to, or have been attracted to for some time.

At times, I feel that it is ludicrous how ridiculous my men situations have transpired for the past four years. I spent three plus years playing “mommy” to someone that could only verbally commit to some grand figment of both of our mature imaginations. No offense, just telling it like it is. So then {wiping sweat off my brow} after giving my all to that, I decide that I am going to be grown and learn to play the “field”. Shortly after, I realized that the “field” in DC was more like playing the “2x2’’ box” of nothingness once you factor out the old men and the men on the “downlow”. The pickings are slim, child! Well, I have chosen to fall in and out of a childish situation with someone that I like but cannot simply moving things along, even a damn inch. WTF! I’m fabulous and I refuse to let his childish fear of commitment mask that fact. Yes, I have an ego, and what?!?

And I have no excuse, though, because with my Ivy league smarts, NYC wit and Dominican genes, something has to give. So I have resolved that I must internally enjoy the feeling of being smarter, more financially stable and more stable than my potential suitors --- WRONG! I feel that I deserve better, but where does “better” live so I can knock on his door?

What is the problem? Do I overanalyze? Are my expectations too high? Is it truly them and not me, like most guys say?

What gives?

While you ponder, feel free to play my favorite online game ever:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Therapy is too pricey...

therefore I will blog on.

Confesión numero 1: I am afraid of being a boring blogger (thanks Jaded for the inferiority complex)

I have run from the opportunity to blog about my ridiculous life and the crazy world I live in...until now.


Blogging goddesses, take me away, because God knows I cannot afford the therapy I need...nor can I keep my mouth shut about all this mayhem around me.

Barack and McCain are dealing each other daily blows to the ego and so forth...the smog in Beijing is about to kill half of the world's athletes ala global love life is nonexistent and stale to say the least...and school is about start.

'NUFF SAID- Blogging is a must!

On a side note, stay tuned for the vacation wrapup after next week's DC week with the niece is over...