Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Does Life Suck?

The incessant question. Why does life take the sudden turns, leaving us reeling and trying to catch up? Beats the hell outta me! I just saw the new film "500 Days of summer" and it brought out such raw emotion in regards to the meaning of life, fate and the circumstances of human existence. Despite having a blessed life and lots of great people in my life, the movie made me consider the "what if's" of life and the "why's" of previous crappy situations.

I know, I know. Save me the "everything happens for a reason" and "what does not kill you makes you stronger" rhetoric. God has it all under control. I get it. I know it. I have moved on...and have decided that I need to get to the bottom of why life indeed sucks at times and why the circumstances that seem the most ideal rarely work themselves out in the same 'awesome' and perfectly crafted manner. I am pretty convinced that I will not find an adequate answer, because that is totally me. I am never satisfied and always striving for a perfect 'something' even if that utopic space does not exist.

Maybe life sucks so that we can bond with our fellow miserable man. I mean, really. When was the last time that you called your girlfriend or met up with a friend for coffee and gushed about how awesome your boss is, how considerate your BF is and how much your mom did not criticize your every move during your last phone convo? Think about it.

Life may just smack us around for the sake of getting under the 'skin' of perfectionists like myself that can barely deal with a hair outta place, let alone a failed relationship, overwhelming workday and the rest. I admit that the suckiness of life takes me over at times. I pout, I cry and I yell that "life's not fair" like a preteen. However, I have concluded that is just fine because I would rather openly wallow in the sadness and share that with someone than to "troubleshoot" this life alone. I'm on a mission for answers about this life thing. Who's with me?

One of my fave quotes from "500 Days of Summer" said it best:
"People don't realize this but loneliness is overrated".
